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Butler Township Land Use Records

Butler Township Land Use Records


Arendtsville Borough & Butler Township Zoning

  • 2023-166 - Amendment of Ordinance 164 of 2022
  • 2024-167 - Amendment of Ordinance 164 of 2022
  • 2024-168 - Amendment of Ordinance 164 of 2022
  • 2024-169 - Amendment of Ordinance 164 of 2022 

Arendtsville Borough - Butler Township Joint Zoning Ordinance (July 1, 2022)

Arendtsville - Butler Summary Of Zoning Districts*

*The summary of Zoning Districts is provided as Appendix 2 of the Zoning Ordinance, and is provided for informational purposes only. Consult the Zoning Ordinance to confirm the standards of each zoning district.

Zoning Map

Township Code

Since its establishment on August 20, 1849, the Township of Butler has, over the years, passed through the struggles that characterize all American communities in their early history. While only a few simple laws were necessary at the time of the incorporation of the Township, subse­quent growth of the community, together with the complexity of modem life, has created the need for more and detailed ordinances for the proper function and government of the Township. The recording of ordinances is an aspect of municipal history, and as the community develops and changes, review and revision of old laws and consideration of new laws, in the light of current trends, must keep pace. The orderly collection of these records is an important step in this ever­continuing process. Ordinances must be more than mere chronological enactments reposing in the pages of old records. They must be available and logically arranged for convenient use and must be kept up-to-date. It was with thoughts such as these in mind that the Board of Supervisors or­dered the following codification of ordinances. 

Municipal Map & Plan

Municipal Map

Comprehensive Plan